Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Star actor, Jim Iyke has finished shooting his movie, Blood or Wine, in Cameroon. Jim left Nigeria in March with a 6-man crew for the movie. They were joined in Cameroon, by several Cameroonians, who made up the rest of the cast and crew. Jim also brought Nollywood star, Uche Jombo on board for the movie. The movie is a romantic thriller, which stars Jim Iyke, Uche Jombo, Kome Ekpule, and Lynno Lovert.
The movie was written by Ruth Kadiri and directed by Neba Lawrence. The movie comes from the stables of Jim Iyke's production company, Untamed Productions. We say well done to the star actor.
Uche Jombo and Jim Iyke in Cameroon
Kome Ekpule, Jim Iyke, & Lynno Lovert

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