Thursday, May 26, 2011


Being the speech presented by Rita Dominic at the presidential lunch on May 22, 2011 at the Eko Hotel and Suites
I feel privileged to be living in a time where I can proudly say that young Nigerians are seriously advocating for a better Nigeria.  Some people may disagree with me but I believe we may now have a President willing to listen to us and identify with our hopes and aspirations. 
If you don’t agree, then you have to show me a past president of Nigeria who has actively pursued the youth vote? Show me a past Nigerian president who has used social networks utilized by our young people to reach out them?  Show me a past president who has set aside a 200 million dollar intervention fund dedicated to an industry that is one of the largest employers of young people in Nigeria…. I rest my case.
My name is Rita Dominic, I represent NOLLYWOOD!
I would like to thank Mr. President, for providing this low interest loan to galvanize our industry.  Many young people who own production companies are depending on this loan to turn us from employees to employers, from unemployed to employed. 
However, it is imperative that the people who will administer this fund understand the spirit behind your creating it in the first place.  Some of us have applied for the loan but the requirement of collateral in the traditional sense is about to dash that dream.  Sir, if the youth had enough collateral, we would not have needed the intervention in the first place. I respectfully request that you look into the litany of requirements that is making the loan inaccessible to the people it was created for.  
One properly produced Nigerian film can involve hundreds of young people from various works of life. Apart from the actors and actresses, when making a quality film, we directly or indirectly hire production managers, accountants for budgeting and record keeping, electricians (Lighting specialists), costume designers (tailors), catering people (cooks), set and production designers, camera operators, publicity people, graphic artists, still photographers, make up people, hair stylists, production assistants who help on set but don’t forget each actor/actress will hire own PAs, film editors, boom persons and  marketing companies.  The list goes on and on.
Imagine that we have scores of productions going on in various parts of the country.  The impact is simply amazing.
Mr. President, I am a witness to what an infusion of funds can do to elevate and empower the lives of young people. Traders in Onitsha and Aba started it 20 years ago and Nollywood became a reality, Globacom did it for 13 young people 2 years ago and it instantly increased the number of actors and actresses producing their own films.  If managed properly, imagine what the 200 million dollar fund can do hundreds of young producers, what it can do for thousands of unemployed youth out there.
Let us make it happen.  Continue to support youth programs.  Giving such support means that you believe in the future of Nigeria.  If you do, the youth will not forget for generations to come.
Thank you


  1. woow good encouragement 4 youth good workkeep up

  2. lf fund is granted,l beleived it should be used firstly on what it required.Secondly every youth from each states should be call for, not 1,000 obis should be taken first before 3 Akpans,1 0ron man or 0 calabar b/cos the whole world knows that, they re already too much of obis in Nigerian film industry, too much that it has turn to be coming boring canon.Try this way too maybe every Nigerians will be joyed together and thanked the man that makes it happend. bless

  3. this comment make me laugh, cause yous till seperate people in their tribes. Does this never stop? Still jealousy? Crazy, look over the plate, I know many countries in the world who are not talking like you and they also have different tribes. It is one nation, one folk and you should learn to accept it.I'm sure that the money will go to the people who have real chance to build up something and not to daydreamers.

  4. What a nice and encouraging speech. I do believe that is the way out in creating opportunities for youths and actually creating a lasting memory.



  6. RIRI, my baby, that was a splendid speech indeed, keep it up, u are a wonderful lady, exceptional in your own way and talented and I admire u a lot. WELLDONE MY PRINCESS.

  7. Rita you are one in a million for standing out 4 the youth of these generations.

    lv ur stlye and acting keep it up

  8. thank God 4 d privilege given to d youths to xpress their feeling, i also thank mr president who gave ears to our words, may God continue to bless & prosper u. rita dominic u are indeed a role model, thumb up. i love ur works keep it up.

  9. wonderful speach,Rita, you did not just represent nollywood, but the entire nigerian youths.

  10. becky said.......
    Rita D, i love ur speech its ok and keep it up........

  11. Rita ur speech is encouraging to young people.i really lv ur personality en wat i can say is kudos to u loads ope to see u soon.

  12. Rita i most comment on ur speech....cos it came out 4m u..and 2 de president dat give de youth listing hear 2..may god bless nigeria.

  13. RITA's speech is never a suprise to me, i knew she would do more than that..keep it up baby, love you so much...your naturally gifted.

  14. Mmmhh.....Any personal interests behind this lengthy speech???? Is this actually a selfless acknowledgement????? Can't trust any home breed Nigerian! lol.....!

    from urs ever, Muah!Tina!

  15. Rita Darling, you have spoken very well, and I thank God that our wonderful president was there and he heard everything. I pray that God will give our president the WISDOM to touch every youth's life in this our SWEET NATION in JESUS NAME! AMENOOOOOOOOO!

  16. Excellent Speech, Rita from one of your dearest fans all across the Atlantic.

  17. Very remarkable speech Rita, am happy that Nigeria has a President who knows and understand the importance of youths in the country and knows where and how to reach the youths.

    Congratulations once again!

  18. We are even big and ready give money if needed from allover the world to boost the industry and even the upcoming ones. We are behind you Rita-Vincent from kenya
