Thursday, August 8, 2013


Check out this picture of star actress, Uche Jombo, and her personal superman, who happens to be her husband, Kenney Rodriguez. So, if Kenney is Clark Kent, that would make Uche Jombo, Lois Lane. Right?


  1. Cute couple.....I love her and her new movies.... New Nollywood queen of one part DVDs I hail thee .Keep the movies coming ..there's no need for all these 8parts movies when you can tell it in one part. I am now officially team ujstudios

  2. I agree, no need for the long drawn out movies. One part or two and thas good for me. Go Hollywood

  3. Is that her husband??? No offense but I personaly think she could have done a lot better, there's good looking brothers in Africa...q

    1. @anon 12.26 stop being xenophobic...see how such attitude is tearing up our country even people have died. Such thoughts are evil believe me

    2. he is not black????... waw, call the police!!! really??? you are just being raciest. So white brothers are not good enough??? when a person is single its a problem, when she/he marries, you look for some stupid reason to down play their partners.

      you are just jealous!!! they look perfectly wonderful to me.

  4. I love uche jombo

  5. i pray he will keep making her laugh like this all the days of their lives. this is so cute.

  6. Excuse me for stating the facts, and for the record he's not white , he's coloured to me, racist? Mhhhh never, even he was blk if he doesn't look the part he doesn't period and he doesn't,

  7. Your minds are working overtime, or you are illiterate , one of the 2, if 1 is the case, get some rest, if 2 is, go and demand your school fees back, you've been knocked off, who said anything about the race here???

  8. Lol,tell them anon 09:01 I'm loving you every minute
