Friday, August 12, 2011


One of the most eagerly anticipated movies of 2011, 90Ninth Day, premiered last night at the Silverbird Entertainment Centre in Abuja (Nigeria). The movie was written, directed and produced by Paul Apel.
The cast is led by two Nollywood veteran actors, who are acknowledged to be among the best in their chosen profession - Bimbo Akintola, and Keppy Ekpeyong Bassey. Also featuring in the film are Paul Apel, Stephanie Apel, and Orduen Papel. The producer of the movie, Paul Apel (aka Papel) film producer and director based in Abuja. His first movie “The Bond”,was released in 2008. He also appears in the upcoming movie Mr. & Mrs. produced by Chinwe Egwuagu. We will be bringing you details of the premier shortly, and we will also inform you when the movie hits the cinemas. Stay tuned - this movie is an explosive thriller!

When a successful engineer, Jack, was awarded a Power Plant Contract by the Government, it, would be the beginning of a nightmare for him and his family. Susan, who should have had the Contract, takes a blind revenge but one of Jack’s friends Col.Ben who is obsessed with being a General holds forth for self benefits, but for honor Jack’s family would be preserved. 

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