Wednesday, May 25, 2011


After winning 7 international awards from 11 International film festivals around the globe, the award winning movie ‘Anchor Baby’ is yet to tire from winning awards as it recently was conferred with a Golden Palm Award at the Mexico International film festival.

Having gained some major recognition on the festival circuit such as the Pan African Film Festival and the San Diego Black Film Festival, ‘Anchor Baby’ was once again screened at the Cannes International film festival market to a very satisfied audience. According to, a reputable international film industry blog Anchor Baby was screened on the 18th of May at Gray d'Albion 2 Cinema, in Cannes.

Anchor Baby’ tells the tale of a married illegal immigrant couple living in the US, Joyce and Paul Unanga. They have been ordered by the US immigration to leave the country by voluntary departure. They agree to leave; but only after Joyce who is 5 months pregnant delivers her baby inside the US. This will guarantee automatic citizenship for their child. Ignoring the deportation order, the couple goes into hiding. Paul was later caught and deported while Joyce stayed back to struggle on her own to achieve their dream. The love, hope, pain and struggle that came with this decision is bound to stir up some emotion in you.

Currently being represented by ID Communications, a Montreal, Canada-based film marketing and distributions company, ‘Anchor Baby’ is all set to be released in United Kingdom and Europe. In Nigeria it was premiered in pomp and style and garnered a lot of accolades from Nollywood stakeholders; ultimately, the movie sold out all through the long weeks it was at the cinemas. This huge success was extended to Ghana, where the movie also enjoyed huge patronage at the cinemas.

Lonzo Nzekwe speaking on the journey of ‘Anchor Baby’ to around the globe said ‘I have no doubt that the movie will do well in most countries. The movie has succeeded so far in Nigeria and the U.S. because it's a great story and I know that race not withstanding, everyone is receptive to a good story and a good movie’.

Written and directed by Lonzo Nzekwe, ‘Anchor Baby’ stars Omoni Oboli, Sam Sarpong, Terri Oliver, Colin Paradine, Mark Cassius, Michael Scratch, Cyrus Faird and Santiago Lopera.

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